Freezing Mother Ganga's waters and everybody goes in - bathing, blessing, washing, cleaning oneself completely, together with shaving head... Of course the business around is blooming, selling prayers and offering flowers, donations for temples, the barbers with their mats and tools ready for action. The ghats are loud with prayers and chanting through megaphones.
Rishikesh gave me such a headache!!!
I have to tell you my adventures of the 3 fist days! It started nicely - I arrived at my couch place (I did the Couch Surfing), get to the venue where I could register for the yoga festival and found a place to stay for the days to come of my wonderful week with yoga.
My home was at a government "tourist complex" which reminded me of good communist times in Poland, with sober blocks and greenery around. The corridor looked like a prison. But the room was clean and I liked the peacefulness of this place. It was actually quiet! I must tell you that the locals here love to use their horns.
The International Yoga Festival was a highlight of my trip, especially after my teacher training. I want to explore more of the base of yoga, the spiritual base and get to know all kinds of practices.
And good for them! Before it was organised by and took place in one ashram, Parmarth Nitekan. The participation was on the " donation" base - $600!!! I refused to pay, oh sorry, to give the donation.
I came here thinking there must be another way to participate for much less than that.
So lucky me 'cause this year, for the first time, they've changed the concept of it. The "government" decided to open it up to other venues and wider public. They organised buses, food, etc. Still, it was an indian organisation: when I ask the question, the guy runs to another person, who runs to yet another and eventually I'm kindly asked to go to swami himself. Meanwhile I'm introduced to important looking little man, who happen to be...an ex ambassador of India in Poland (2005-07)! Good laugh!
So Vio happy! I'm registered, I have my room, now I surrender to divine yoga science for a week.
The inauguration was huge and I must say, I was impressed. It looked nice nice and not kitschy nice :-) Besides that the honourable guests arrived way late. And here comes cliche: the minister of Uttarakhand enters the room 30 min late, surrenders by guards and armed police....with his mobile by his ear... I thought Bollywood was exaggerating.
Swami Chidanand Saraswati from Parmarth Niketan Ashram is there, as some other swamis and ministers.
Btw, I think the character of Hagrid in Harry Potter was based on the Swami - they look the same!!! Look:
In the afternoon I go to Parmarth Niketan Ashram 'cause I want to
see their program as it was nowhere to be seen in the first place. There
I was told that "they have nothing to do with this International Yoga
Festival. They were organising it for last 13 years and their event is
International Yoga Festival". Ok, disappointed and angry with Indian
misinformation, I go back to "my" IYF. I go to first yoga class - our
dear ex ambassador of India in Poland (2005-07) is giving us a class
of...Hatha yoga warm-ups!!! Half of the group were indians from
organising crew and the guy, by the end of the class, has given up on EN
translation and sticked to Hindi. Very well, I'm very much for the idea
of bringing the yoga back to Indians but please inform me up ahead!
That did it!
I requested a meeting with sb from organisation. I explain my
point. The guy sends me to swami himself. I explain my point. Swami
pissed off 'cause apparently they have signed the cooperation agreement
(which he waves in front of my face). He asks me to put everything in
writing which I happily do - not only it helps to let off my steam but
also IT MIGHT serve a good cause of taking monopoly of yoga from
Parmarth Niketan Ashram and allows accessible prices for EVERYBODY,
Indian or foreigner.
With this info I go back to Parmarth Niketan 'cause there is a
lecture of Swami that I really wanted to listen to. Well, they let me in
giving the benefits of doubts, and I'm to enquire after for the more
grounded info. The answer is no - with my pass from there I can't
participate here... Enough for me!!! I'm done with their politics, I
just want to do yoga at satisfying level and learn more to it.
I go back to "my" IYF and ask for my money back. It's not difficult
'cause when you get on the nerves of an Indian, he will throw your
money in your face. Well, I brush it off with the wishes of more success
next year etc. I was informed that this situation is a serious matter
and they plan to take Swami from Parmarth Niketan to the court...
I'm in trouble 'cause however I want to get a pass for a day or two
in Parmarth Niketan!!! So at registration I took a nick name - Ewa
Nowak, like in times of war...
I must say that
it was a battle for me. Usually I'm the last one to complain. I'm too
shy. But I cared too much for this festival of yoga experience. I moved
away from "my" IYF and I feel happier. It is a choice between crazy
Indians worshiping swamis and their ministers, and crazy westerns -
enlighten, all in white and so spiritual that it's sometimes kitschy,
chanting mantras at every corner. Out of the two, I prefer the second -
at least it's in EN, classes and lectures are led by good teachers.