Have you ever seen a steaming cup of tea agains the morning sun? It's 6am. The steam is dancing really joyfully blown by the wind. It swirls and spins beautifully going in all directions. The sunlight is the stage.The cup in my hand looks so huge.
I've never taken the time to look at it. Why not?
That's the beauty of being here. I'm learning massively and I have time to reflect on it and on my life. We are in silence for most of the day. We meditate twice a day :-)
Day 3 - I think I've found it! Things've fallen into place. Have been missing something, looking for something, I didn't know what exactly. I've found the last piece of the puzzle. The picture is completed. I can see what's on it :-)
I'm out of the monastery.
Wow! That was a ride! But I had my belt fasten, for a change :-)
I knew it all along. It's a basic upbringing. The principals are obvious: having compassion, patience, kindness to everybody, regardless of temporary and constantly changing feelings, attitudes, situations, living a present moment.... It's a common sense. I preach it to my clients all the time :-)
But I needed to hear it and I needed to hear it now. Now it was the time, I was ready. On my way I was accumulating experiences. Especially during this last a couple of months in India and Nepal, when I have time to live things, slow down, look and search. It feels like now was the culmination of my path - I have finally reached home...inside me...
Buddhism puts all these principals into a systematic philosophy, logical explanations. It gives a work /mind frame, from which you can derive some guidelines and reminders. It just make sense to me. Maybe I needed a religion... :-)
I left Kopan in a very peaceful state of mind. Normally, after such an intensive experience, I'd look back with a sentiment, clinging to the emotions and people connected to the place. This time I left without looking back, looking actually forward. It's like I came to Kopan, took what I needed and get on my way. Or rather on my Way :-)
After Kopan crew...having a drink :-)